Pacific Island Cruise – Day 6 – Port Vila


Another day in paradise. Today we visited Port Vila. Sam booked into a Snorkelling and Kayaking tour. I had a lovely sleep in… late enough that I missed breakfast and was too early for lunch so armed with a cup of coffee and my laptop I settled in to a morning of people watching, writing and just generally veging out. Port Vila was covered in a heavy smoke. We are told that it is caused by an erupting volcano. My hair is an absolute fright. I don’t think the conditioning treatment they gave it last night did it any favours. Thankfully I’m on holidays and these people will be distant memories in a few days time… although they may not forget me so easily, some may indeed have nightmares for some time to come!


I notice that a young man sitting next to me is sketching. Before he becomes too engrossed I introduce myself and ask permission to photograph him while he works. He is rather surprised but happy to oblige. His name is Zack. He is a uni student from Adelaide cruising with his mum and dad. The sketching is part of an assignment.

I am fast learning that even though I am far from Elle McPherson or Kate Moss that there are bodies of all shapes and sizes getting around in the world and when one comes on a holiday such as this one gets to see all of them in varying degrees of dress or undress. I admire the ladies who are much larger even than myself who proudly strut their stuff. Most people do not judge, in fact, it is so true that we are our own harshest critics. If we walk tall and proud we are far less obvious than if we cringe away as though we are ashamed of our bodies and don’t want to be seen… something I’m still coming to grips with after years of feeling like a beached whale, even when I was young and slim.

There are a lot of elderly aboard and I can understand why cruising is so attractive to them. We are waited on hand and foot, constantly being told that we must relax as we are on holiday and must let the wait staff take care of us. The variety in the food is impressive and only a couple of places are not included in the initial fare. There are some people complaining about the food but I get the feeling that they would complain regardless of quality.

I watched as a an older gentleman taught a young French couple how to do card tricks.  It is great to see people interacting, even when there is a communication barrier.


When Sam returned from her snorkelling (which she was rather disappointed in after the spectacular experience of Lifou) we explored the markets. It was Sam’s turn today to enjoy the massage while I strolled through the stalls. So many stalls selling exactly the same wares. One wonders how they make money from them. During her massage Sam noticed that the daughter of the lady who was massaging her was wearing a pair of thongs which were paper thin. She delighted the girl by giving her her own thongs which still had plenty of wear in them. Such a generous soul is my girl. As I wandered I had a local man introduce himself to me as Tony who entertained me with a rendition of Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport for a small donation. This time we also remembered to take our passports ashore so that we could have them stamped for a fee of $2.

Back on board the ship I settled in again with my laptop. Others look at me as though they think I am crazy sitting here banging away at the keyboard but it is such a relaxing way to spend the day, sitting here writing. The cocktails help also!

There are so many sunburned bodies on board! Thank goodness we are not amongst them.


This afternoon and into the evening we were fortunate enough to be entertained by two young men calling themselves ‘Double Trouble’. Both singing and playing acoustic guitars doing covers. I could have listened to them all cruise. It is always wonderful watching people do what they love doing… there is so much more passion in it than just a performance. I saw them after their show in The Pantry having dinner and yes, I did do the groupie thing and tell them how much I enjoyed their show. They informed me they are playing again tomorrow in one of the places below deck… yes I will be there!!!

It is White Night tonight. Sam has even made an effort to change into white for the short time we will be up. After donning her white attire she ventured into The Pantry for dinner and came back out muttering about a conspiracy… why are they serving roasted beetroots and spaghetti bolognese on white night?? Thankfully her white dress survived.

It was lovely sitting up on deck this evening. Sam took herself off to bed and left me to my own devices. I sat and watched the children’s party, all the little girls dressed up in their lovely dresses. There were two groups of people sitting beside me and would you believe it? They were all from Adelaide. We have also discovered that there are people here from Port Augusta! On the very first day just after we boarded we were lining up for our lunch and a woman said to Sam “You’re Parky’s missus, aren’t you?” Small, small world!

Another day amongst the Pacific Islands done and dusted.



When your tears become a river
Washing out to sea
She will shed hers too
Alone so you cannot see

When harsh darkness shrouds you
And with pain and anguish cower
She will hold back the shadows
In this your darkest hour

When you need a beacon
To light a pitch black path
She’ll be right there beside you
The light of love in her heart

When you are tired and weary
And the demons starts to rise
She will slay them for you
With the fury in her eyes

When you feel you are deserted
And that you face this world alone
She’ll reach out and take your hand
And guide you safely home

Trish Johnston © 31st August 2016

Letter from an empath


I’m not sure if you believe in empaths but let me tell you a bit about this empath.
She feels (not just senses but FEELS) almost all of your emotions.
She hurts when you hurt.
She feels your withdrawal.
She feels when your spirits lift.
She feels your fear.
She understands your pain and uncertainty.
She spends weeks with a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach… a fear, a desolation which is not hers to own.
She feels your feelings of failure, of anger against the hypocrisy and injustice you’ve been subjected to.
She knows when you have little energy or enthusiasm for life.
She knows how much you need her but are too numb or fearful to reach out.
She knows how little you trust yourself.
She knows also that you expect far more of yourself than she does.
When you cry, she cries.
When you laugh, she laughs.
She understands the need for solitude for she also seeks it.
She will work hard to protect herself however her sensitivity is the essence of who she is.
She is strong though vulnerable.
She will open herself to the possibility of excruciating pain.
She will love unconditionally on many levels.
She will not give up on something that she truly believes in.
She has a depth which others find disconcerting and uncomfortable.
She looks into your eyes and sees your soul.
She understands that what she sees before her is only superficial and skin deep there is so much more.
She feels the vibrations of the land.
She draws her energy from Nature, not people.
She hides her pain from others behind a smile.
She has accepted and is comfortable with who she is.
She accepts that her journey is her own.
She knows that others may judge her but that does not concern her.
She recognises others from her tribe.
She is not quick to trust, however, she has time for everyone.
She will shut others out when she is in need of rest… for however long this may be.
She lives her life from a place within her heart.
She shares her love with many but has only one true love.
She guards her heart with a ferocity of a lioness but when she gives it she give her all.

You may not believe in empaths, but I sure do for what I have just described is my life.

Peaceful journeys.

Filters, Fears and Frauds


The wind is howling outside. It kind of suits my current mood, I am almost tempted to go out and stand in it with my arms held high and allow it to just cleanse me… blow over me and around me and take with it all the heaviness that seems to be taking up residence within. Maybe that is something I will do later, after I’ve purged my thoughts and allowed them to pour out onto the page before me in a rather confronting yet liberating gush.

You see, what really concerns me so much today is the way that filters seem to have taken over our lives. I despair at the fact that some many, especially women, in this time where the selfie has taken the world by storm, seem to find it necessary to use filters in their photographs. Are we, as a society becoming so obsessed with ‘perfection’ that we cannot accept ourselves as we really are, warts and all? There are so many apps out there these days that enhance the eyes, smooth the wrinkles, remove the blemishes, even change the shape of the face and the body. The question I ask is WHY? Why do we consider it necessary to do this?

Now I know that I am no oil painting. I am well aware that my skin is no longer as fresh and youthful as it once was, wrinkles are starting to make their presence felt along with those peculiar little formations that seem to be referred to as ‘age spots’. I have surrendered to the white which took up residence in my hair more years ago than I care to acknowledge. My body tells the tale of a couple of pregnancies and births and also genetics and throw into the mix an inherent lack of exercise. All in all, at 53 I am as far from perfect as any of us, even more so than some. However, for all my insecurities and imperfections I am very pleased to say that I do not feel the need to hide behind a filter. I may choose not to point the lens in my direction very often but I refuse to use a filter or photoshop to enhance what I look like.

Since when did it become the trend to have to cover up the wrinkles and the signs that we have lived a life which may or may not have taken its toll upon us as much physically as it has done mentally and emotionally? Who said that blemishes were unacceptable? Why should anyone, young or old feel it is necessary to smooth out the wrinkles and remove the blemishes on their skin? Me I see these things as one’s own uniqueness, their proverbial fingerprint. The wrinkles were hard earned through the trials and tribulations of life, or even, in the case of laugh lines the joys and celebrations of life. I look at photos of many young women today and see so many generic faces. The use of the filters and editing has taken away the beauty of their individuality.

How I wish that the superficial obsession with this physical perfection would be gone from our lives. We are very much in danger of losing sight of reality. Take a browse through any social media or internet site. You will see photographs of stunning landscapes, sunsets, sunrises, of almost anything in fact, which have been manipulated and altered, or as some prefer to call it ‘enhanced’. How can people claim this to be photography in its true sense? Photographic art maybe but certainly not photography in its purest form. This day of digital media is, for many, fast negating the pleasure in what we are surrounded with on a day to day basis. Some sunsets just are not as spectacular as others. Does this make them less appreciated, less peaceful, less soothing? Some flowers have a soft and delicate colour as opposed to others which are vibrant and strong, does this make them less beautiful?

I wonder how many ‘photographers’ today actually get their results through the lens rather than their pcs. How many really know how to use the light properly to allow nature to enhance and enchant in her own way. I certainly do not claim nor profess to be a photographer. As any of my family and friends will tell you I do love to take photos but I try so very hard to capture a moment, a glimpse of something which to me is beautiful. Most of the photos that I use to illustrate my writing is my own work, not because I think I am particularly good at it but because to me there is beauty in even the barest landscape, even the most bland and colourless flower… because they are real! My knowledge of editing programs is minimal, mostly restricted to cropping and adding text. Occasionally I will enhance a photo but when I do I always ensure that I keep the original or that I do it in such a way that people will be fully aware that it has been altered. I do not sit in judgment of those who use editing programs, I do however mourn the loss of our appreciation of reality.

We live in such fraudulent times, where fear of being ordinary and original seems to drive so many to live through filters to create illusions. I just hope that we never lose sight of the fact that true beauty comes from within, from the essence, whether it be in humans or in nature.

Peaceful journeys,


Evolution of Life…



like nature
an evolution
a birth
a dying
a rebirth
a playground
a battlefield
a journey of discovery; of loss
a journey of great beauty and fulfilment
of devastation and tragedy
an ebb and flow of emotions
just like the tides upon the shore
arriving with a sweet caress
only to be drawn away reluctantly
by forces unknown
a sprinkling of stars
like diamonds
glistening upon vast oceans
as our thoughts
create hurricanes, floods, and droughts
hell fires that scorch the deserts which are our minds
our hearts, our dreams
only to spring back
with such abundance and grace
as the wildflowers in the desert
so that we may dance and sing
and rejoice again in the wonders
of this…

Trish Johnston © 24th August 2016




Apathy… like a cancer grows

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Recently I shared a post on social media and prefaced it with the following:

“It is so sad that some don’t perceive us all as equal. Each and every day people are losing their homes, their freedom, their dignity, their right to live peacefully, their families and loved ones and often their lives… who really cares? Unfortunately, it is apparent that unless it is happening to people in “predominantly white” more affluent countries it seems that very few care. A life is a life and all are just as precious as yours and mine. We do not have the right to judge or put ourselves above another.
I know that we are bombarded by images such as the one in this article and as such have become desensitised to the horror of what is going on around us, maybe there is fault in the way that the media sensationalises and portrays certain things but that still should not be a reason for us to stop caring about what happens in our world… and yes, it is OUR world. One which we are allowing to become a battleground festering with hate and malice, destruction and devastation. We can all make a difference simply by caring. Put yourself in the situation that these people have found themselves in. Not every person in a war zone is fighting that war. Sometimes I am ashamed to be a human being.”

Now I understand that opinions are like the proverbial and everybody has one and that we are all entitled to said opinions. In fact, we are all entitled to do and say exactly what we please as we have freedom of speech and we live is a so-called democratic society. Which leads me to the point of this article. I wonder frequently what it would be like to live in a society where one has no right to speak one’s mind. Where speaking out for what I believe in could lead to imprisonment or even worse. Where an opinion is the most dangerous thing that you could possibly live with. While I am one of the least aggressive people I know I am sure that I would find it very difficult to survive. At times I just can’t keep my opinions to myself and my mouth firmly zipped. This some may see as a lack of control. I myself feel that it is a display of great control, yes, I do have a modicum of control!

Recently someone very dear to me told me that they had never experienced racism until they came to Australia. Now from someone who is third generation Ethiopian of Italian ancestry who was educated in a German school and has travelled internationally that is an interesting statement and one I found quite horrifying and confronting. It gave me cause to think about how we Aussies refer to our beloved country in terms such as ‘the lucky country’ oh, and we are ‘multi-cultural’ also don’t forget. While I do not believe that we should dwell on the problems of the world for if we did we would all end up with severe cases of depression and PTSD and other similar disorders, I do believe that living in our so-called lucky country we have developed an apathy and for many a sense of superiority. A sense of ‘not my monkeys, not my circus’ and this I can understand – to a degree.

Let me ask you a few questions… what is the worst experience you have ever had in your life? How does thinking about that experience make you feel? How did that experience affect your life and how often are you confronted with that same experience in your day to day life? I understand that many of us have had unsavoury experiences and they have had dramatic effects on us and the way we live our lives but can you imagine living your whole life with similar or recurring incidents on a regular basis? For most that is a ridiculous scenario which would be scoffed at for we have the capacity and the opportunity here in our lucky country to extricate ourselves or we have services and organisations which will do it for us if we cannot do it ourselves. There are many countries in this world where this is not the case, imagine living there, trapped within the confines of a society which controls you to the point where you have no voice, no value whatsoever. Frightening isn’t it? In fact, for most of us it is impossible to truly grasp.

What can we do about it, you ask? Now once again this in entirely my opinion and I am sure that there are many out there who will take great delight in ridiculing it however I stand strong in my belief that we all have our parts to play on this stage of life. We can care about human life, wherever it originates from. Regardless of race, creed, religion, birthplace, we are all human beings, our lives are all of equal value. We can teach our children this. We can, as individuals not place judgement on others. There are ‘bad’ people everywhere, all over the world, including here in our country and let me tell you some of them are as Aussie as you and me. (I wonder though this is getting off the track, what has made that person ‘bad’, what has happened in their lives to influence them to do what they do. It is true that often the ‘bully’ is the one who needs our understanding… maybe the subject for another blog another time.)

There are many ways to care. Show another a simple kindness. It can be a wonderful experience to sit and talk with people from different backgrounds to ourselves. There is so much to learn from others. We can encourage others when they are unsure; share our thoughts our hopes our dreams… it may surprise you to learn that many of us have very similar aspirations. Replace discord with harmony. It may sound very simplistic but most times it is achievable even though it may take effort.

I cannot tell you how often I have heard someone start a comment with “I’m not racist but…” Really? I would think that the mere fact that you have to clarify that before making a statement signifies the very real possibility that what is about to come out of your mouth is most likely discriminatory and judgemental in some way. My thoughts immediately are “When you are perfect, then and only then do you have the right to judge”… and perfection is not possible so ultimately the right to judge is not yours or anyone else’s. Take a look in your own backyard. Never ever forget that the person that you are putting down or criticising has their own story. Just because their journey is different to yours does not mean that it is wrong. You do not have to take the person into your home, hell, you don’t even have to speak to them, just leave them to live their life just as you choose to be left to live yours! Allow them to be who they are without assuming you are superior. Focus your energies on improving what you can, without forcing others to come around to your way of thinking. Encourage positive interaction, there is strength in numbers. If more of us make a conscious choice to take a good hard look at our lives and our reassess some of our values and the way we treat others we can indeed make a difference.
I am very aware that I alone cannot stop the bombing in Syria, or the atrocities in New Guinea or other long forgotten and ignored places, no halt war in its steps, I alone cannot remove all traces of racism, hatred and discrimination but I am also aware that if I do not do my bit to bring and maintain peace in my immediate environment then I am, in my opinion, failing in my duty as a human being. Ultimately, I am sure that the majority will agree on one point, we all just want to live our lives in peace.

I wish you peaceful journeys until next time…

Indigo Wisdom (aka Trish)  ©

Echoes of Silence


Sounds of silence echo
In a hollow heart
No words, no touch, no laughter
Souls joined yet apart

Joy and sorrow mingle
In this empty tomb
Seedlings awaiting sunshine
To burst into bloom

Darkness gently blankets
Though fear does not exist
Love and laughter await us
It is the Angels wish.

Indigo Wisdom © 28th January 2012



Locked up in a world
where your light is fading fast
life becomes a challenge
when you hold onto the past

Chains become so heavy
though you are unaware
that these chains do not bind you
for it’s you who keeps them there

If your grip you loosen
then open up, let go
sit back and watch them fall away
peace and calm will flow

Some may protest loudly
shake, shudder and rattle
others will be whisper quiet
as you no longer fight the battle

Open up and welcome freedom
embrace the change within
give yourself permission
to let your new life begin

You may be surprised
when the truth you find
nothing keeps us chained
except our own mind

Trish Johnston 2nd August 2016

I wonder….


Look around you carefully
I wonder what you see
I wonder do you hear the sounds
of silence as you breathe

Do you hear your heart beat
the blood flow through your veins
the thoughts that tumble softly down
like a gentle summer rain

Do the winds unsettle you
Do clouds darken your days
Do you love the sweet caress
of the suns warm rays

Are there thoughts within your mind
that you wish you could share
or do you prefer to keep them
safe and secure there

Do memories often taunt you
from a past that’s brought you pain
sneaking up unexpectedly
to raise their ugly heads again

Or maybe thoughts of pleasure
with a warmth all of their own
wrap themselves around you heart
their words written in stone

Do you hear the whispers
blowing across the lands
of hope and love and promises
drifting through the sand

The senses tell us stories
without uttering a word
be present in this moment
and within all will be heard

Trish Johnston 17th July 2016


Intelligence – how do you perceive it?


Intelligence – what does it mean to you? I enjoy intelligent conversations but then what I class as intelligent conversation may not be your idea of the same.  I am not highly educated.  I do not have an overly extensive vocabulary. Does this equate to lack of intelligence on my part?  Some may deem it so, however I do not measure intelligence on one’s level of education nor on their use of high falutin words, or their knowledge of world events or other cultures or politics such as this.

I personally see intelligence as one’s ability to embrace all they can, to be open to every experience whether it be ‘good’ or ‘bad’.  It is about having an opinion or a point of view while allowing others to have theirs and listening to those opinions with an open mind and appreciating and respecting them for what they are.  We do not have to agree with one another to have intelligent conversation nor do we have to refute, merely to listen and respond.

I have had some wonderful conversations with people with no formal education, people who simply speak from their hearts, sometimes a little timidly, sometimes with great passion.  What makes these conversations intelligent to me is the fact that these people know their truth. They know their feelings and their words don’t come from another persons mind but straight from within.  Intelligence is not one’s ability to recite another’s teachings it is about one’s ability to know what they feel and to express this to honour the existence of these thoughts, ideas and concepts.

I recently had a conversation with someone who inferred I was not as intelligent as he because I had not travelled extensively; he questioned my interest in other cultures because I did not watch foreign films.  Since when does one’s intelligence align with one’s bank account or work opportunities?  Since when has watching films spoken in a language I cannot understand been a measure of my ability to use my mind?

Some one else who I consider to be very intelligent because of the stimulating heartfelt conversations we have considers me more intelligent than them because I am able to express myself through my writing.  This is not intelligence, this a merely my tool to express my intelligence; my tool to express my thoughts and ideals.  So I have the gift of the gab and my amazing friend is not so fortunate (or unfortunate as some may say!) to have this same ability.  We are both intelligent human beings, we just utilise this intelligence differently.

I have had some dreadfully boring conversations with highly intellectual beings who perceive themselves to be experts or near enough in some fields. Most of these people have not learned learned through experience, they have often developed almost tunnel vision in their pursuit of their holy grail. To be spoken to with condescension by another person reveals much more about them than it does about me. Does their lack of tolerance and ability to communicate with in an ordinary everyday conversation make them intelligent… I think not, however you are entitled to your own belief in this as you are in everything.

Intelligence, what is it to me?  It is the ability to be yourself and allow others to be who they are and still encourage and enjoy open and honest communication.  What does it mean to you?

‘Til next time… peaceful journeys