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I know not what tomorrow brings


I wonder how many will use this time of world pandemonium to reassess their lives, their values, their views. I know that is certainly has given me the opportunity to see things I may or may not wish to see, in some cases it has forced upon me vision of things happening around me that I hope I am never a party to.  In other cases, it has had me doing things that make my heart sing.  It shows me politicians asking us to put our trust in them (??) to lead us through these times of trouble. It shows me people behaving in the most abhorrent ways, it shows me people being so loving and kind, as everyday people face an extraordinary situation it certainly reveals a lot about their character, their ability to cope, their ability to stand strong in their own truth.

I have chosen, rather naively, to refrain from watching much mainstream media reporting.  I wonder at the value of the fear-mongering, the sensationalism that is plastered across our television screens minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.  Here’s a thought… how about news reporters do just that! Report the news in a calm and factual manner without the overuse of dialogue that is used specifically to promote reaction. Providers of news have a very influential and responsible role in society as unfortunately there are those out there who believe everything they hear or see from these ‘trusted’ sources.

Do yourself a huge favour during this time.  Go outside, enjoy the warmth of the sun on your skin. Soak up the fresh air.  Listen to music, all kinds.  Read a book, write, draw, paint, sew – use this time as wisely and creatively as possible. You may surprise yourself with what you discover, about yourself, the world, your loved ones, and total strangers.

Are you a sheep? Don’t get me wrong, I love sheep, however, I do not choose to be one.  For me, and I have no doubt many others also, it is a time of deep contemplation and also a time of rejuvenation and growth.   A time to reassess, refocus and work towards becoming the very best that I can be at this moment in time – for I know not what tomorrow brings so it is important I am the best version of me at all times and in doing so I am at peace.

I wish you love, I wish you joy and peaceful journeys


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