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Letter from an empath


I’m not sure if you believe in empaths but let me tell you a bit about this empath.
She feels (not just senses but FEELS) almost all of your emotions.
She hurts when you hurt.
She feels your withdrawal.
She feels when your spirits lift.
She feels your fear.
She understands your pain and uncertainty.
She spends weeks with a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach… a fear, a desolation which is not hers to own.
She feels your feelings of failure, of anger against the hypocrisy and injustice you’ve been subjected to.
She knows when you have little energy or enthusiasm for life.
She knows how much you need her but are too numb or fearful to reach out.
She knows how little you trust yourself.
She knows also that you expect far more of yourself than she does.
When you cry, she cries.
When you laugh, she laughs.
She understands the need for solitude for she also seeks it.
She will work hard to protect herself however her sensitivity is the essence of who she is.
She is strong though vulnerable.
She will open herself to the possibility of excruciating pain.
She will love unconditionally on many levels.
She will not give up on something that she truly believes in.
She has a depth which others find disconcerting and uncomfortable.
She looks into your eyes and sees your soul.
She understands that what she sees before her is only superficial and skin deep there is so much more.
She feels the vibrations of the land.
She draws her energy from Nature, not people.
She hides her pain from others behind a smile.
She has accepted and is comfortable with who she is.
She accepts that her journey is her own.
She knows that others may judge her but that does not concern her.
She recognises others from her tribe.
She is not quick to trust, however, she has time for everyone.
She will shut others out when she is in need of rest… for however long this may be.
She lives her life from a place within her heart.
She shares her love with many but has only one true love.
She guards her heart with a ferocity of a lioness but when she gives it she give her all.

You may not believe in empaths, but I sure do for what I have just described is my life.

Peaceful journeys.

3 thoughts on “Letter from an empath

  1. I would say that just about describes me too. It takes a lot of energy not to be overwhelmed sometimes, doesn’t it? I find if I am unwell or hormonal the protective shield I put around me will falter a little. As for those who don’t believe in empaths, well to be fair it takes a lot of trust to believe something you haven’t or can’t experience yourself. For us empaths it is a way of life and we don’t know how to be any different. I do wonder sometimes what it would be like to not have the many layers of ‘extras’ that we have around people or to not have their essence on our radars. I think I would miss it terribly even though some days I think ‘hush, please!’ 😀

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