The Firefighter

(Image sourced from Google)

As the flames light up the skies
Smoke turning day to night
He wonders how much longer
He can keep up this fight

Sweat his hair has matted
Ash has dulled his skin
Though he is exhausted
He’ll not think of giving in

His body tired and aching
Every muscle sore
Eyes permanently bloodshot
Blistered hands and more

For weeks he’s fought this battle
With his mates there by his side
On the other side are strangers
Bonded now for life

He struggles with the knowledge
That his own home is under threat
While he fights to do his darndest
Another’s land to protect

He worries about his family
His loved ones and his friends
Those who’ve seen their livelihoods
Meet a hellish blazing end

He hears shouts around him
And he turns in time to see
The next wall of the inferno
Exploding through the trees

Fire breaks are unheaded
For this devil knows no bounds
Unprecedented power
Unearthly eerie sounds

Just in time the heavens open
Or so it may seem
As a plane drops its precious load
As water turns to steam

Exhaustion dogs him back to base
To go and get some rest
Another will take his place here
In turn, doing their best

He’ll be back out here tomorrow
Determined brave and strong
Yet fearful to discover
How much more is gone

Hi is not a lone hero
Like him, there are many more
These wonderful men and women
We are eternally grateful for.

Trish Johnston ©  2nd January 2020

Hollow Log

2013-12-29 11.00.51

I sit here on a hollow log
once a majestic tree
at peace with my surroundings
I close my eyes and breathe

Her scent fills my body
sating the hunger within
the trees, the grass, the flowers
the earth from which they spring

I feel the spirits lift me
I’m a body no more
my soul has been set free
allowing me to soar

I see all the creatures
both the big and the small
going about their daily lives
I hear their distant calls

The trees whisper their secrets
I hang on every word
at one with all of nature
I have so much to learn

I see her true beauty
different stages different zones
many levels within
Maiden Mother Crone

I soak in her essence
allow it to integrate
the wisdom that she offers
in gratitude I take

I return now to my hollow log
at peace and so alive
ever grateful for healing
Mother Nature provides.

Trish Johnston 14th June 2015