Sunrise and Sunset


The last golden rays of sunset
Shine within her eyes
As a glow of expectation
For a future yet to rise

For with sunset comes a closure
A gentle but final farewell
To a time of indecision
Where her fears overwhelm

As the lands stretch out before her
On their beauty she feasts
For therein lies her future
Uncertainty retreats

Just as the warm glow bathes the earth
It seeps into her soul
For together they will blend
Sunrise and sunset forever the whole.

Trish Johnston © 25th October 2018

Forget the Glass

Forget the Glass

There’s really no point looking in the bottom of a glass
The answers do not hide there for future present past
For a time you are anaesthetised from the searing pain
Momentary release that’s all, until it returns again

Memories are your enemy at least that is what you think
Though really it is the emotions to which those memories link
You struggle with them daily, never really knowing
When something will trigger you and set the emotions flowing

Experiences can rob you of very fundamental rights
Leave you feeling worthless with no strength to fight
They may take from you the belief that you can be safe
The ability to open up and allow love to take fears place

Trust is such a fragile thing which can be shattered with a word
Hope becomes what others have though to you it seems absurd
Dreams are never to be expressed for fear of ridicule
So in silent pain you sit, self-preservation the golden rule

There’s really no point now looking back into your past
Whether it was bad or good for now you have just one task
Seek that which will free you from your dark despair
Release that crutch that carries you though you don’t see it there

Life is meant for living, fulfilment yours to reap
It is okay to expect happiness, of love and beauty speak
You are allowed to dream, to let peace your angst replace
To believe in you and a wonderful life is yours to embrace

Trish Johnston 8th February